How using Dayout and Pairing can Help you make Friends


There is a new app available in some of the Chinese-speaking worlds at the moment. Called Dayout it is an app that allows you to talk to strangers on the Internet and then, if they seem like they may have something in common with you, immediately meet them for lunch, drinks or to hang out and have fun.

How to get Dayout -- Dayout is available on your favorite app store. All you need to do is to download it and then make sure it is set up to know exactly where you are according to your GPS. It will then match you with anyone in your area who also has the app and would like to meet new people, and will then choose a restaurant or a coffee shop where you can all meet and hang out.

What is pairing on Dayout? -- Dayout pairs you with people in your area that want to meet new people around the same time as you do. This 飯局配對 is also with people that have interests in common with you, and that like to do the same thing. With the app, you can then decide to meet them for lunch or dinner at a restaurant in your area or just for coffee or for a fun event.

Pairing is great too, as it matches you with groups of people you would probably never otherwise meet but that, once you get to know them, could end up becoming people that are soon your closest friends.

Is Dayout safe to use for pairing? -- Some people may worry about Dayout being safe as you are using it to meet strangers. In reality, however, it is perfectly safe as you are meeting groups of people all at the same time and in a public place.